Car Maintenance Tips for the Winter
Car Maintenance Tips for the Winter

Car Maintenance Tips for the Winter
Ice, snow, and cold - oh my! While it can be enjoyable to cozy up inside by a warm fire on a cold winter day, most people won't feel the same about getting behind the wheel and driving in winter weather conditions. But winter weather doesn't just have the potential to make visibility and driving conditions more hazardous - it also causes wear and tear on the vehicle. Here's a look at five maintenance tips to help keep your car ready for the winter.
1. Check Your Battery
Many drivers think the cold weather damages a car battery's efficiency, but the summer heat takes more of a toll - and that's the reason why batteries are more prone to fail during the cold winter months. Test the battery voltage periodically to ensure it has sufficient power. If it's too weak, charge it or replace it.
2. Check Your Tire Pressure
It's estimated that tire pressure decreases by about one pound for every 10 degrees drop in air pressure outside. Considering that underinflated tires wear faster, hamper fuel economy, and can impact vehicle handling, it's important to keep your tires inflated to the manufacturer's recommendations. Keep a tire pressure gauge handy and check your tire pressure regularly during winter. Inflate them as often as necessary.
3. Check Your Coolant System
There's arguably no more important wintertime fluid for your vehicle than its coolant. Antifreeze prevents the water in the engine from freezing. Freezing water could lead to expansion and damage to the engine. Use an antifreeze tester to measure the coolant's strength and ensure the reservoir is topped off. You may consider flushing the coolant.
4. Keep a Full Tank of Gas
Gas only freezes at extremely low temperatures. However, moisture could enter the gas tank if your tank is almost empty in the cold winter months. It could also enter the gas line or fuel pump. A best practice is to keep your gas tank full or at least half full in winter to avoid moisture in the fuel.
5. Pay Attention to Your Windshield Wipers
Windshield wipers only last for about a year before wear and tear start setting in. The winter months are a great time to invest in a new pair to ensure your windshield stays clear of snow and ice and you can have maximum visibility while driving in whatever weather winter throws at you.
Regardless of how much preparation and time you invest in readying your car for winter conditions, your vehicle may still experience breakdowns for one reason or another. It's important to keep an emergency kit handy in case you're stranded. You never know when they might come in handy.
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