Important Tips for Safely Driving on the Highway
Important Tips for Safely Driving on the Highway

Important Tips for Safely Driving on the Highway
Highways often offer faster routes if you have a longer distance to drive. However, highway driving can be intimidating and dangerous. To stay safe on the freeway, it is a good idea to practice these safe driver tips.
Check Your Mirror
Before driving, you should always check your mirrors to be sure they are adjusted correctly. When driving on the highway, it is extremely important to be able to check your mirrors before considering a lane switch or ramp merge. But remember, do not just trust your mirrors. There is still a blind spot on each side, so double-check before you start to move over.
Review Your Route
It is important to look over your route before you start. You might notice there are some quick highway changes that will require switching multiple lanes. Knowing what to expect ahead of time can help you avoid missing a turn or getting into an accident because of a panicked reaction.
Go Hands-Free with a Device Holder
Distracted driving is extremely dangerous, and most states have laws that restrict phone use while driving. If you know where you are going, it is recommended you turn your phone on silent and leave it out of reach, so you are not tempted to check it. There are a variety of apps that can also help drivers avoid the temptation of phone distractions by muting notifications, blocking calls, and locking the screen while the car is moving.
Take Stretch Breaks and Get Rest
If you have a long drive, the highway can create a lull that will make you feel sleepy. Get out to stretch every hour or two just to keep the blood moving and avoid drowsiness at the wheel. Sleep is crucial for your mind, body, and health. Getting enough sleep every day will help you stay safer while driving.
Eat Smart Snacks
If you want to eat snacks on the way, try foods that are fresh and natural. Candy and salty snacks can make you feel bloated and sleepy on the drive. Instead, choose snacks that usually make you feel awake and alert, like fresh apples, bananas, and celery. Choose water over drinks that could cause a quick energy crash, like soda or juice.
Do not Blare Your Music
You might think you are helping yourself stay awake, but loud music can make it hard to hear traffic around you. If your speakers are blaring, you might miss sirens from emergency vehicles trying to pass. You could also miss a nearby vehicle and accidentally cut them off while trying to switch lanes.
Take Shades
Protect your eyes from the sun with a pair of sunglasses for the road. The highway can be a long stretch of reflective pavement. Take sunglasses to help keep the sun out of your eyes during your drive.
Give Trucks and Motorcycles Extra Space
While large trucks are slower to stop, motorcycles are smaller and less protected than other vehicles, making both groups important to watch out for on the highway. Give trucks plenty of space to merge if they are nearing entrance ramps where cars will need to get into the lane. And always look carefully for motorcycles; they are hard to see, especially if you are driving at night.
Take highway driving seriously to help keep you and others on the road safe. Practice these tips any chance you get in the car.