Is Hail Repair Covered Under My Car Insurance Policy?
Is Hail Repair Covered Under My Car Insurance Policy?

Is Hail Repair Covered Under My Car Insurance Policy?
Hail can occur in every state, even if you’re more likely to see it in the flatter parts of the United States. This weather phenomenon can be incredibly destructive for anything left behind in its wake. When hail can fall as fast as 40 miles per hour and the largest hail stone ever recorded was nearly eight inches in diameter, we’ll examine whether your carrier will cover your car during the storm.
Will My Auto Insurance Policy Cover Hail?
Auto insurance policies will typically only cover hail if you have a comprehensive plan. This is because the coverage usually includes ‘falling items,’ which you can reasonably call hail. However, it’s important to know that every carrier will take a different approach to their claims, even when two carriers both offer comprehensive coverage.
If you have another type of policy, such as liability-only, then the carrier would not typically cover hail damage. It’s also usually not an option to add an extra clause or condition for hail if you don’t have comprehensive coverage. You can potentially consider full glass coverage (available through certain carriers in some states). If any of your glass was damaged due to hail under full glass coverage, you may not have to pay a deductible to fix it.
How Much Does It Cost To Repair Hail Damage to My Car?
A good auto body shop may be able to fix certain types of hail damage, though repairs for even a few dents have been known to be expensive. You should check your policy for the deductible if you have comprehensive coverage covering hail. If the repair costs are lower than the deductible, you’ll need to pay for the repairs out of pocket.
If the costs exceed your deductible, an adjuster will work with the body shop to decide whether to repair the car. If the costs exceed the vehicle's depreciated value, then the car will likely be declared totaled. The adjuster will then typically pay you the cash value minus your deductible. So, if your car was worth around $7,000 and you had a $500 deductible, you would get a check for $6,500.
How Can I Prevent Hail Damage?
Preventing hail damage isn’t always possible, but you can reduce your odds by opting for covered parking spaces and checking the forecast to catch unexpected storms before they catch you. The best thing you can do if you’re concerned is to ensure you’re covered in all scenarios. Heavy-duty car covers can also help you prevent hail damage. If you want to get creative, anything from old cardboard boxes to yoga mats can work in a pinch.
Whether you choose comprehensive car coverage or not, it's important to know how your carrier will respond to different claims. Use the information above to help you prepare for whatever the weather has in store.