How Changing Your Car Insurance Coverage Could Affect Your Premium
How Changing Your Car Insurance Coverage Could Affect Your Premium

How Changing Your Car Insurance Coverage Could Affect Your Premium
For many drivers, a change in their work environment has resulted in a shorter commute (or no commute at all). If you’re suddenly driving considerably fewer miles than you used to, or if you’ve permanently converted to working from home, you should update this information with your insurance company. In some cases, a shorter commute can translate to savings on your insurance premium, but this is not always true. The length of your commute and where you live are just two factors that can impact your premium, along with many others. Remember, if you change jobs or start having a longer commute to work again, you’ll want to adjust this information accordingly as well, to make sure you have the appropriate coverage in the event of an accident.
A change in the nature of your job can also impact your premium. For example, if your previous job required you to drive at night, and now you’re only driving in the daytime, you may qualify for additional discounts, as nighttime driving is generally considered to be a higher risk. If your new job requires you to use your vehicle for business, you could expect to see an increase in your premium. You may also want to see if you qualify for a discount because of your occupation or employer. For example, some insurance carriers offer discounts to teachers, first responders and doctors/nurses. To see if you might qualify for an extra discount, be sure to talk to your local agent.
In the event that you move to a different part of town, resulting in a change in the distance of your commute, keep in mind that even a shorter commute won’t always mean that you’ll see a reduction in the cost of your premium! Where you live and park your car can have a huge impact on your premium. For example, living in an urban neighborhood with a higher rates of accidents, vandalism or theft can result in an increase in your premium. Conversely, moving to a rural area where the accident and crime rates are lower can decrease your premium, but it all depends on your individual situation. If you’re planning to move, be sure to check with your local agent to help determine how your insurance premium might be impacted.
If you’ve encountered a major life change and need to put your vehicle into storage (and won’t be planning to drive it for a certain period of time), you’ll also want to make sure you adjust your coverage appropriately. Depending on your needs, your local agent may suggest that you remove all coverages except for comprehensive (to protect against theft, vandalism or other damage that could occur while the vehicle is stored), or add an endorsement to your policy to suspend all of your road coverages. Either of these options could result in additional savings, so be sure to consult your local agent for advice on which coverage is right for you. It’s important to note that if you need to remove your vehicle from storage and drive it for any reason, you need to make sure to reinstate additional coverage. Even a quick trip to the grocery store could result in an unexpected fender bender, so you want to make sure you have the right coverage in case of an accident!
Regardless of what life changes you might experience, you can rest assured knowing that your local agent will be able to help you get the car insurance coverage that you need for your individual situation, no matter what your budget may be. They will be happy to answer any questions you might have to make sure you have the right protection for your vehicle.