Private Collections
Here's a few examples of the types of items we cover.
Fine Jewelry | |
Artwork | |
Musical Instruments | |
Sets of China | |
Antiques |
Coverages You Might Need
Scheduled Personal PropertyHaving a schedule of insured valuables means that each item is insured for a specific amount, usually what it has been appraised for. If you ever do need to file a claim, your item will be restored or replaced with similar quality materials with no deductible charge to you. |
Blanket CoverageA blanket of coverage can be convenient if you often buy and sell collectible pieces but maintain a consistent dollar amount for the collection, or if you have many pieces similar in value. |

Coverage and discount descriptions are summaries. Individual rates and savings, if any, will vary. All coverages, discounts, features, benefits, and pay plans may vary by state and insurer and are subject to availability, eligibility, terms, conditions and exclusions. Insurance underwritten by individual carriers in the National General Group, Winston-Salem, NC.
Coverage and discount descriptions are summaries. Individual rates and savings, if any, will vary. All coverages, discounts, features, benefits, and pay plans may vary by state and insurer and are subject to availability, eligibility, terms, conditions and exclusions. Insurance underwritten by individual carriers in the National General Group, Winston-Salem, NC.