Hail Preparation Steps That Protect Your Business and Office
Hail Preparation Steps That Protect Your Business and Office

Hail Preparation Steps That Protect Your Business and Office
Hailstorms occur across the United States. throughout the year. The small balls of ice form when rain collides with cold air during thunderstorms. A hailstone can measure from pea-size to grapefruit-size, can travel as fast as 100 mph, and cause extensive damage to your office business. The following steps could protect your employees, company and bottom line.
Identify Potential Risks
Analyze all the ways hail could harm your business. For example, strong hailstorms can break windows and injure employees. Large hailstones can even destroy your company’s roof, HVAC unit, windows, and company vehicles. And water damage after a hailstorm could create cracks in your building’s foundation and walls, impact electrical wiring and affect the sewage system. Use this list to fortify your building.
Monitor Weather Reports
Stay connected to local weather authorities and be aware of potential storms. This way, you can alert employees, move vulnerable equipment and secure valuables in advance.
Prioritize Employee Safety
Ensure all your employees know how to stay safe during a hailstorm. They should follow your company’s emergency response plan and participate in practice drills. As part of the plan, require employees to gather in a safe location and assign staff to protect any visitors.
Back Up Data
A strong storm could knock out power lines and affect your company’s computer and phone systems. Back up data regularly to protect important business and customer information. Utilize waterproof boxes to store essential paper documents away from windows and off the floor.
Inspect the Roof
Hire a qualified roofing contractor to inspect your commercial roof and verify its integrity. Then replace or repair cracks, tears, and loose flashing. Also, reinforce weak spots and clean any gutters and downspouts. Consider updating an older roof, too, to reduce potential storm damage.
Upgrade Glass
Windows, skylights, and solar panels are especially vulnerable during a hailstorm. Install impact-resistant glass to reduce damage. At least annually, inspect glass, too, and replace cracked, brittle or discolored units. You can install hail guards or screens for further protection.
Cover Vehicles
Hail can dent or destroy your commercial vehicle fleet. Park your vehicles in a garage or under a carport or hail cover. Delay trips, if possible, too, so your employees can avoid inclement weather and remain safe.
Protect Outdoor Equipment
To protect the HVAC system, inventory, recreational equipment, and other items located on the roof or outdoors, install hail guards, shields or wire mesh. These protective covers feature openings smaller than one inch in diameter and could reduce expensive repairs after a hailstorm.
Review Insurance
Business and commercial auto insurance could help you recover after a natural catastrophe. Ask your insurance agent to review your current policies, offer personalized suggestions and provide the right coverage for your needs.
Likewise, verify the steps to take after a storm. For example, your insurance company might want you to document damage via photos or videos.
Now’s the time to inspect your commercial property. Identify vulnerabilities, take preventative steps, and prepare your business for a hailstorm as you protect your employees, building and company.