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Motorcycle Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

Take a look at our motorcycle insurance FAQs for more information about coverages, how to reduce your premium, safety and more.

  1. How do I get a motorcycle insurance rate quote?
  2. What makes insuring my motorcycle different from insuring my car?
  3. Should I buy collision coverage if I have an older bike?
  4. How much motorcycle insurance coverage should I carry?
  5. What types of motorcycles do you cover?
  6. What discounts are available?
  7. How can I get the best motorcycle insurance rates possible?

1. How do I get a motorcycle insurance rate quote?

Call us at 1-800-462-2123 and one of our experts will be happy to walk you through the process. It's fast, it's easy, and there's no obligation.


2. What makes insuring my motorcycle different from insuring my car?

We all know that riding a motorcycle carries different risks than driving a car. That means special coverage protections that reflect that risk – and rewards, in terms of discounts, for safety features and safe riding.

Type of Vehicle
Riding a Harley isn’t the same as a riding a sport bike or ATV. Your insurance coverages reflect the safety features of your bike, its potential costs of repair in case of accident or covered loss, and of course, the value of your investment – including what may be required by your bank or financing company.

The right protections at the right price

  • Riding a motorcycle or ATV requires special insurance coverages, and special discounts to make peace of mind affordable. Optional coverages, like add-on protection up to $20,000, reflect the kind of special attention you give your bike, and we give you.
  • Optional Roadside Assistance coverage means as long as you have Comprehensive and Collision coverages, in the event of accident or covered loss if you're 100 miles or more away from home,* you'll get up to $400 per occurrence (up to $100/day for lodging, up to $50/day for transportation), $300 lost deposit coverage, and whatever alternate transportation you choose – another motorcycle or a car. It also means up to $300 towing to get you to the right repair facility for your bike – not just any garage that’s around.

3. Should I buy collision coverage if I have an older bike?

The answer is – it depends.

Since collision coverage is usually limited to the cash value of your motorcycle, one way to lower your insurance premium is to limit or drop collision coverage on an older bike. Why carry $20,000 collision coverage if your bike is only worth $10,000?

If you’re still financing your motorcycle, you will be required by your bank to continue to protect their investment with collision and comprehensive coverages.

And remember – if you drop collision coverage, you are responsible for the full cost of repairs or replacement. So balance the option of lower motorcycle insurance premiums with your ability to pay out-of-pocket for uncovered expenses.

Need help deciding?

Check with your National General Insurance representative to make sure your collision coverage meets your needs.


4. How much motorcycle insurance coverage should I carry?

Determining the amount of motorcycle insurance coverage you need means considering a number of factors.

State Requirements
The state you live in has a lot to do with the coverage you’ll need. Most states require liability coverage at a minimum. Be sure to find out your state’s motorcycle insurance requirements before choosing your coverage. Check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or your National General Insurance representative for more details.

Motorcycle Type
The type of bike you ride influences the type of insurance coverage you need. For example, a moped can’t do the same sort of property damage as a touring bike. Your property damage liability coverage will reflect that. And your collision and comprehensive coverages will reflect the cost of repairs in the event of a covered loss.  

Leased or Financed Vehicles
If you’re looking to insure a leased or financed motorcycle, you may be required to carry collision or comprehensive coverage. When you’ve paid off your bike, you can lower your motorcycle insurance premiums if you drop or reduce collision or comprehensive.  

A higher deductible can lower your motorcycle insurance costs in the short-run. But choose your deductible keeping in mind the amount of money you’re comfortable paying out-of-pocket in case of accident or other loss.

Coverage Limits
Before you choose low motorcycle insurance coverages, consider your financial situation. Lower coverage limits may cost you less now, but in the case of an accident, will you have the ability to pay for damages that go over your insurance coverage limits?  If not, consider higher liability limits. In the long run, it could be the best choice for you.

Not sure which drivers to list on your motorcycle insurance?  Need spousal coverage? Check with your National General Insurance agent to find out exactly who you should list on your policy.


5. What types of motorcycles do you cover?

At National General Insurance, we cover everything from cruisers and touring bikes to trikes and sport bikes. We also cover golf carts, ATVs, mopeds, classic bikes and more.

So more than likely, we’ve got you covered. Give us a call to make sure at 1-800-462-2123 or contact a local agent.


6. What discounts are available?

At National General Insurance, we offer a number of discounts to our motorcycle insurance customers. You can enjoy:

  • Touring-bike discounts 
  • Safe-rider discounts 
  • Multi-cycle discounts
  • And more…

7. How can I get the best motorcycle insurance rates possible?

To get the best motorcycle insurance rates, remember:

  • Higher deductibles and lower coverage limits mean lower insurance premiums.
  • Safer bikes mean lower insurance rates.
  • A safe riding history means lower premiums.
  • Multi-cycle, multi-vehicle and multi-policy discounts can mean great savings!

Remember – while higher deductibles and lower insurance coverage mean lower motorcycle insurance rates, they also mean more out-of-pocket dollars at risk.

As much as the lowest possible rates are important, be sure to look for value. Don’t skimp on the safety, security and protection provided by services like roadside assistance, replacement part guarantees, and exceptional claims handling.

1 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 2007. Traffic safety facts, 2006: motorcycle helmet use laws. Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation.

2 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Q&As: Motorcycles- General. Question 15. April 2008:

* Varies by state

Eligibility, benefits, discounts and coverages may vary.

Underwritten by these member companies of the National General Insurance Group, Winston-Salem, NC: Integon Specialty Ins. Co., Integon Indemnity Corp., Integon General Ins. Co., New South Ins. Co., Integon Preferred Ins. Co., Integon National Ins. Co. and Integon Casualty Ins. Co., National General Ins. Co., National General Assur. Co., MIC General Ins. Corp. and National General Insurance Co. Online, Inc. Coverage not available in HI and MA. Coverage in NJ provided by High Point Property and Casualty Ins. Co. which is not affiliated with National General Insurance Some features may not be available.

Underwritten by National General Ins. Co. in TX and National General Assur. Co. in WA. Coverage purchased through agencies is underwritten in TX by Home State County Mutual Ins. Co., administered by Integon National Ins. Co.; and in WA by Integon Indemnity Corp., Integon Preferred Ins. Co., and New South Ins. Co. Motorcycle coverage underwritten by Progressive County Mutual Ins. Co. in TX and National General Ins. Co. in WA.

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